$25 to Celebrate 25 years

We are looking forward to celebrating the 25th anniversary of the United States Senate Youth Alumni Association (USSYAA) and we need your help. For 25 years, USSYAA has continued Mom Hearst’s work: maintaining the professional and personal connections between alumni of the United States Senate Youth Program, now more than 6,000 strong. We are focused on the three core areas of our mission:

  • Building and maintaining avenues of communication among program alumni – through in-person and virtual events, including our annual alumni awards, informal happy hours across the country, the launch of our jobs board, and many others 
  • Providing financial assistance for professional educational needs of program alumni – we have provided more than $100,000 in scholarship funds since 1999
  • Supporting the William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s United States Senate Youth Program – we maintain strong relationships with the Hearst Foundations and host mentoring tables for USSYP delegates each year

We are only able to do these things because of the donations and volunteer efforts of alumni like you. As we celebrate our 25th year, please consider donating or volunteering your time and talents. 

In honor of our 25th anniversary, can you commit to giving $25, $125, or $250 to help us reach our goal of raising $25,000 by our annual alumni dinner in March? Or consider setting up recurring gifts to enable our important work year-round. Tax-deductible contributions may be made by credit card or e-check with our secure online donation form here (preferred) or by check sent to USSYAA, P.O. Box 1798, Washington, DC 20013-1798.